Dear valued customers,
Here’s to your continued safety and good health in the midst of this pandemic’s chaos
This message is a humble notification that StoryChopsticks will be raising our price starting the 1st of September, 2021. However, we will be providing you with VIP privilege. you may renew classes at the current price. We also offer special prices for monthly subscriptions.
To further explain our price raise, here are a few reasons:
Since the beginning of our journey in Indonesia, back in January 2021, we have strived to bring you the best service at the most affordable price possible.

First, we used reputable, top-tier couriers to ensure timely shipping while bearing the shipping cost on our side.
And we have added a handicraft pack to supplement your materials and further enrich your child’s learning experience, at zero cost to you.

Secondly, we have invested in convenient tools such as Moodle (you may recognize this as 米饭) to maximize communication between you and the teachers.
We have also reduced our class sizes from 1:5 to 1:3 to ensure maximum interaction between the teacher and your child.

Thirdly, after seeing success in our first story creation competition and book launch event, we have decided to run regular programs like these to make your child’s learning journey more fun, engaging, and fulfilling.
Please see our Instagram account (@storychopsticks) for more information.

Next in the pipeline is our game-like class platform called Storyland. It will be replacing Zoom with fun gaming and socialization functions for better engagement and recall.
With all these efforts, we are sure that your young ones’ learning experience will be memorable. We will continue to provide you with the top-notch service you’re familiar with and we’re confident that we’ll offer more value than what we had back in January. Hence, our price raise.
SGD119 (IDR 1.200.000)/8 classes
SGD346 (IDR 3.600.000)/25 classes
SGD632 (IDR 6.600.000)/50 classes
SGD107(IDR 1.100.000)/ month, for twice a week
SGD66 (IDR700.000)/ month, for once week

However, we wanted to give back a little to you, our loyal customers. Please enjoy an exclusive VIP package—a one-time renewal at the current price.
You may choose 8 classes for SGD89 (IDR900.000), 25 classes for SGD257(2.700.000), or 50 classes for SGD470(IDR4.900.000)
Another way to maximize our services is to sign up for our monthly subscription of SGD 80 (IDR800.000)/month (twice a week) or SGD49 (IDR500.000)/month for online sessions once a week.

Rest assured, as long as you’re actively subscribed, the price will NEVER raise. You can even do all your transactions straight from our website:
To enjoy the exclusive One-Time Renewal Rate, please finish all transactions before the 1st of September 2021.
On behalf of StoryChopsticks and all our associates, thank you again for supporting us through this exciting journey.
CEO of StoryChopsticks