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王鈞志 Wang Jun Zhi

国籍 Nationality :台湾 Taiwanese

语言水平 Language proficiency  :华文 Chinese、英文 English

教育背景 Education background  :銘傳大學 新聞學系  MCU Journalism

关于我 About me  : 我的名字是Jingle。我是一位有同理心、活潑、熱情的老師。上課方式多以鼓勵、互動的方式作為教學。透過互動過程中,我會注意每一位學生的上課狀況,將會不斷的調整與教學的方式。同樣的教材內容,我會選擇因材施教,了解學生及家長的需求,積極的與細心的教導學生,當學生遇到困難時,我會耐心的陪伴著,一步步領導學生們找到自我的價值及成就感,也一點一滴激發孩子們的信心及創造力,理解自己的潛能。
My name is Jingle. I am an empathic, lively and enthusiastic teacher. I teach in an encouraging and interactive way. Through the interactive process, I will pay attention to each student’s condition in class and will constantly adjust my teaching style. With the same content, I will choose to teach students according to their needs, understand the needs of students and parents, and teach them actively and carefully. When students encounter difficulties, I will patiently accompany them and lead them step by step to find their self-worth and sense of accomplishment, as well as inspire their confidence and creativity little by little to understand their potential.

班级 Classes  : 以中英双语进行教学 Teaches in Mandarin and English

魔法能力 Magic skills :  帮助害羞的小朋友敞开心扉 Helping shy kids to open up

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