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林思铃 Serene Lim Sei Ling

国籍 Nationality :马来西亚 Malaysian

语言水平  Language proficiency :华文 Chinese、英文 English, 马来文 Melayu

教育背景  Education background : 诺丁汉大学,电子机械工程系 University of Nottingham Malaysia, Master in Mechatronic

关于我 About me  : 你好!我是思铃老师。我是一位会变魔术且有趣和热情的老师。我虽然很喜欢机器但是我也很喜欢看芭比娃娃。我迫不及待的想和你们用最有趣的方式一起探索中文的奥秘。课程中也会融入互动式游戏、丰富的视觉色彩和应用沟通将中文慢慢的融入到生活中。我希望能用我的热情来和小朋友一起学习华文课程。
Hi! My name is Serene. I am fun and passionate teacher that can do magic tricks! I have a degree in Mechatronics but i spent most of my time watching Barbies. I can’t wait to explore mandarin with you using any interesting ways from interactive games, colourful illustrations and through communication. I hope you enjoy my class!

班级 Classes  : 以中英双语进行教学 Teaches in Mandarin and English

魔法能力 Magic skills: 用最好玩的方式带孩子们进入快乐的学习模式。
Using interactive and fun ways to expose mandarin into children live

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