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林子轩 Tzu Hsuan Lin

国籍 Nationality :台湾 Taiwanese

语言水平 Language proficiency  :华文 Chinese、英文 English

教育背景 Education background  : 国立政治大学社会学系 The Department of Sociology at the National Chengchi University

关于我 About me  : 上课生动有趣,中文对话为主,但可以英文辅助教学。善于引导孩子们自发创作并勇于表达。能时刻关注每位小朋友的状态并给予鼓励。
My name is Ian. I am an energetic teacher and try to make lively, interesting classes. I primarily teach Chinese, but can teach in English also. I monitor each child’s progress and give encouragement where it is needed to help guide them in creating and expressing themselves.

班级 Classes  : 以中英双语进行教学 Teaches in Mandarin and English

魔法能力 Magic skills  : 一砂一世界,一花一天堂(故事创作) To see a world in a grain of sand. And a heaven in a wild flower.( story creating )

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