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陈银梅 Christine T

国籍 Nationality :印度尼西亚  Indonesian

语言水平 Language proficiency  : 华语 Chinese, 英语 English, 日语 Japanese,印尼语 Indonesian

教育背景 Education background  :文藻大学日语系 WENZAO UNIVERSITY JAPANESE DEPARTMENT

关于我 About me  : 你好!我叫银梅老师。我天生有一份对孩子的爱心,耐心, 和责任心,我非常喜爱老师这个职业。我很喜欢和小朋友一起玩游戏、唱歌、跳舞,看着孩子们天真无邪的笑容,听着他们天簌般的声音,我感到无比快乐。
Hello! My name is Yin Mei Laoshi. I think I was born to teach. I have plenty of love, patience and responsibility to be a teacher and I love being a teacher. I love to play, sing and dance with the students. Watching their bright smile and listening to their angelic voice is my favorite.

班级  Classes : 会以中英印三语进行教学 Teaches in Chinese, English Indonesian

魔法能力 Magic skills : 与小孩子沟通技巧
Communication skills with the kids

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