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黃嘉熏 Huang Chia Hsun

国籍 Nationality :台湾 Taiwanese

语言水平 Language proficiency  :华文 Chinese、英文 English

教育背景 Education background  :國立台灣師範大學東亞學系 National Taiwan Normal University Department of East Asia.

关于我 About me  : 我是嘉熏老師,我喜歡營造輕鬆愉快的上課氣氛讓小孩可以大方的表達,我喜歡利用彼此聊聊天的方式來練習中文,培養說中文的習慣。在上課中我很常讓學生們發揮想像力表達自己的創意與想法,讓學習更加生動有趣,我也會很有耐心的解決所有問題!和我一起快樂的學中文吧~
I’m Teacher Chia Hsun. I like to create an atmosphere where children can express themselves freely. I like to use chatting to practice and develop the habit of speaking Chinese. During the lesson, I often let students develop their imagination to show their creativity and ideas. Make learning more lively and interesting. Also I will be patient to solve all the questions, just enjoy learning Chinese with me.

班级 Classes  : 以中英双语进行教学 Teaches in Mandarin and English

魔法能力 Magic skills  :讓學習不再枯燥乏味


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